05 June 2023

Comparing Penhold Grip and Shakehand Grip: Key Differences and Techniques

When it comes to table tennis, the grip you choose plays a crucial role in your playing style and overall performance. The two most commonly used grips are the penhold grip and the shakehand grip. 

Let's compare these two grips, highlighting their key differences and the techniques associated with each.

Penhold Grip

The penhold grip gets its name from the way the player holds the racket, resembling how one holds a pen or pencil. With this grip, the player's thumb and index finger grip the handle, while the other fingers rest against the back of the blade.

Key Characteristics of the Penhold Grip:

  1. Forehand Dominance: The penhold grip emphasizes the forehand side of play. It allows players to generate power and speed through a compact and quick stroke motion, making it ideal for aggressive forehand shots.

  2. Limited Backhand Technique: One of the notable differences with the penhold grip is the limited range of backhand shots. Due to the grip's hand positioning, players often rely on backhand flicks or other unorthodox techniques for their backhand strokes.

  3. Wrist Flexibility: The penhold grip enables players to utilize wrist flexibility effectively, facilitating variations in spin and shot placement on the forehand side.

Shakehand Grip

The shakehand grip is the most popular and widely used grip in table tennis. It resembles the way one shakes hands with someone. With this grip, the player's index finger extends over the racket head, while the other fingers wrap around the handle.

Key Characteristics of the Shakehand Grip:

  1. Versatility: The shakehand grip offers greater versatility compared to the penhold grip. It allows players to execute a wide range of shots, including forehand loops, backhand drives, pushes, and chops.

  2. Backhand Technique: Unlike the penhold grip, the shakehand grip provides better backhand technique and shot execution. Players can utilize traditional backhand strokes with ease and control.

  3. Spin Generation: The shakehand grip is known for its effectiveness in generating spin. The grip's larger contact surface area, combined with wrist movement, allows players to produce substantial spin on both forehand and backhand shots.

Techniques and Playing Styles

  1. Forehand Dominance: The penhold grip's strength lies in its powerful and quick forehand strokes. Players using this grip often rely on aggressive topspin shots and quick counters close to the table.

  2. Adaptability and Shot Variety: The shakehand grip provides a more versatile playing style. Players can switch between forehand and backhand shots more seamlessly, allowing for a wider range of strategies and shot selection.

  3. Footwork: Both grips require specific footwork techniques to maximize their advantages. However, the penhold grip often involves more side-to-side movements due to its limited backhand reach.

  4. Spin and Control: While both grips can generate spin, the penhold grip excels in generating spin on the forehand side, while the shakehand grip offers good spin potential on both forehand and backhand shots. The shakehand grip also provides slightly better control due to its grip stability and larger contact area.

In the end, the choice between the penhold grip and the shakehand grip comes down to personal preference, playing style, and individual strengths. It's important to experiment with both grips, practice consistently, and seek guidance from experienced players or coaches to determine which grip suits you best.

Remember, mastering your chosen grip requires dedication, proper technique, and ongoing training. With time and effort, you can develop your skills and excel in table tennis, regardless of the grip you choose.

Check out Complete Table Tennis Guide : https://pingpongus.com/


1. Can I switch between the penhold grip and the shakehand grip?

Switching between grips can be challenging and may require significant adjustment and practice. It is advisable to choose one grip and focus on developing your skills with that grip.

2. Which grip is better for beginners?

The shakehand grip is generally considered more beginner-friendly due to its versatility and ease of learning. However, beginners can still choose the penhold grip if they have a preference for its playing style.

3. Do professional players use both grips?

While professional players tend to specialize in one grip, there are a few exceptional players who have successfully used both grips. However, it is relatively rare, and most players stick to the grip that suits their playing style.

4. Are there other types of grips in table tennis?

Apart from the penhold and shakehand grips, there are variations and adaptations of these grips. Some players use modified versions or hybrid grips that combine elements from both grips to suit their preferences and playing style.

5. Can I be successful in table tennis with either grip?

Absolutely! Success in table tennis depends on various factors, including technique, practice, strategy, and adaptability. Both the penhold and shakehand grips have been used by successful players at different levels, so it's more about finding the grip that suits you and putting in the effort to develop your skills. 

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